
We are pleased to announce Live Action Theatre Project has received a Concept to Realization grant from the Canada Council for the Arts. Here’s to a productive summer and year ahead!


Overhear - Digital Theatre in Europe


Above is an action shot from Overhear Paris; an audio guided show which brought its audience on a journey through the streets of Paris’s 11 & 12 arrondissements. This was the first European production of It’s Not a Box Theatre’s digital media show which has now just seen ii’s second European production in Prague’s PQ: Studio Festival .

What an amazing experience it was to work with such a versatile and engaging concept that really allowed me as an artist and producer to explore the city and work with an array of wonderful European and Canadian Artists. I look forward to future productions Overhear and hope one day it will come to Montreal.

Trailer Surfaced.

A few months ago I came across this trailer for Quicksand, a sound and video installation that I was lucky to be a part of in 2016.

Set in the year 2033 a new economic and migrant crisis has fallen upon Europe. Quicksand follows the story of a man’s harrowing attempt to cross the Mediterranean sea in search of a better life for him and his family.

The project was a collaboration between Nikolaj Bendix Skyum Larsen and Duncan Pickstock commissioned by Goethe-Institut London and Culture+Conflict.

Devising to Success.

In the final days of Day Job, Fanny Pack Theatre’s debut show I was left with a satisfaction about the process of devising theatre. Though at times trying, being part of an active a creative ensemble really puts things into perspective on how much everyone really creatively contributes to make a show a true success. Day job felt like comedic takedown of our day to day lives, allowing us to stop at ourselves.

Day Job at the bread and Roses https://www.londontheatre1.com/reviews/review-day-job-fanny-pack-theatre-bread-and-roses-theatre/
