Éducation / Education
MFA East 15 Acting School, University of Essex UK (Distinction) 2012
BFA Theatre, Concordia University, 2009
DEC John Abbott College, Creative Arts Literature and Languages, 2005
Langues / Languages
English (Native)
Français (B1)
Formation Professionelle / Professional Training
Société des Arts Techologies, Spatialisation Audio Immersive Avec SATIE, 2023
QWF, How to Tell Your Story As a Graphic Novel, Workshop, 2023
QWF, Writing Outside the Box: A Workshop on Edgy Fiction, 2022
Straeon Studios Masterclass - Acting Workshop for Camera, 2022
CELTA Language training, 2019
China Plate’s The Optimists training for emerging producers and theatre makers, 2016
From Script to Screen NFTS, https://www.futurelearn.com/statements/8066m09, 2015
Morley College- Introduction to Filmmaking, 2015
Bourses / Awards & Grants
Chosen as the Quebec representative for the national planning committee at Magnetic North Theatre Festival of Canada, Whitehorse 2016
Canada Council for the Arts travel grant to Whitehorse, 2016
Oeuvres / Works
Resumé de Commédienne/ acting resume
Écrits / Scripts
Meet Me- Media and Digital Writer (multimedia play) 2022 -Live Action Theatre Company- Co-produced Tessri Duniya
Project was selected from the provincial competition for CALQ project development funding (2020-21), Selected from the national competition for Canada Council for the Arts Concept to Realization funding (2019-20)
Bathroomie (Play) 2016
Staged reading at Stitchn’ Fiction, Boogaloo Highgate, London UK
The Kindred Stain (Play) 2015
Write On (short plays)- Brockley Jack Studio, London UKMelt (Monologue) 2013
Polaroid Theatre at Hackney Attic, London UKThe Pack (Monologue) 2011
Corbett Theatre E15 graduate research dissertationRevenge In Far Tar Land (Musical theatre) 2007
Street performance busked across Canada
*Podcast in development 2022Behind the Curtain: A Journey Through London’s Theatreland (Tour) 2017
Everyday London Tour Company, UK
Productrice / Producer
It’s Not a Box Theatre, Overhear Paris- Co-Producer, 2017
International production that has been staged in Paris, Saskatoon, and Prague (Quadrennial 2019) Toronto (Summerworks Festival 2018)
Réalisatrice / Director
Home Birth: Chair of my Loins - Co-Creator, Cyprus, 2013
Live Art Performance Platform, CyprusLast Flight to Sea (interdisciplinary performance) - Creator/Artist, 2013
Lumière Space, London UKThe Recession of Evelyn Gray ( Play) Co-Director, 2010
La Bouche Theatre/Anarchist Theatre Festival, Montreal Canada
Revenge in Fartar Land- Ficus (Musical/ storytelling) 2007
National Busking Tour, Canada
Opérationnelle / Operational
Matralab Hexagram, Tenor Conference Production Manager, 2018
Royal Albert Hall (UK), Box-office Assistant, 2015-2018 - Tour Guide, 2013-2016
Barbican Centre (UK) -Community Engagement Intern, Autumn-Winter 2013- Ambassador, 2012-2016
Impact Arts Marketing (UK), Senior Promoter, 2012-2016
.Quebec Drama Federation, Boxoffice Manager, 2007-2009
Zoofest Montreal, Box-office / Venue Manager, 2009
Dramaturgie / Dramaturgy
P4W: Invisible Stories from the Prison for Women, Dramaturge 2010- Zeitgeist Theatre Collective, Montreal Canada
Matralab Racine Éphémères, Performance Research Assistant, 2009 - Hexagram, Concordia University, Montreal Canada
A Lion in the Streets - Dramaturge, 2008- Tableau d’Hôte Theatre, Mainline Theatre, Montreal Canada
Éditions / Publications
Meet the Artists Behind Meet Me- Tessri Duniya Interview 2022
Threads Cultural Conversations- Saskatoon Open Door Society- Guest Speaker 2022
Theatre in The Bush: Seven Takes from Magnetic North - Canadian Theatre Review Canadian Theatre Reviews, 2016
Enseignement / Teaching
Mountain View High School- Portage, Teacher, 2021-2022
Accent Advisor- Accent Coach 2020- Present
Teaching American accents to Professionals, Grammar and speech lessons, and Interview prep.
CEGEP John Abbott- Continuing Education- Acting Teacher, 2020- Teaching Acting 1 for the ACTion 50 + class
Verdun Acting Workshop- Founder / Teacher, 2019-2020- 2X Introduction to Acting Workshop (6 weeks)
Private acting coaching for individuals/ audition prep.
Voice and accent coaching- Specialization in UK accents and American
ACTRA- Actors Union (member)
Equity Uk- Performers Union (member)
Quebec Drama Federation (member)
Quebec Writers Federation (member)
Laurier Teachers Union (member)
Fanny Pack Theatre London (Founding member)